Wading Boots
Welcome to the Little River Outfitters Wading Boot Department. Here you will find wading boots from our three main brands, Chota, Korkers and Simms. We sell wading boots at all price points from these manufacturers. Higher priced wading boots usually relate to longer life, foot and ankle support and materials used to make them. If you are a casual angler, a lower priced boot will be fine and should last for several years. If you fish often, investing in a better made boot makes sense.
The Wading boots we sell have basically two types of soles, felt or rubber. Some rubber soles come with screw-in cleats or the cleats might be an option. Rubber soled wading boots work fine in some streams and rivers, depending on the substrate of the riverbed.
For your personal safety we recommend felt soles when wading in the freestone streams in the Southern Appalachians including Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
The wading boots we sell, come from three manufacturers we have worked with for years, Chota, Simms and Korkers. The wading boots shown in this department are our most popular models. Each model has their own features so please read about each one before making a buying decision, unless you know exactly what you want to buy.
If you are interested in a wading boot, from these manufacturers, that we do not stock, call us and we will order them for you.
You can purchase online or call our store in Townsend, Tennessee at 865-448-9459 to order. We are family owned and have been since 1994.